Andrew Naguib's Homepage

Andrew Naguib's Homepage
(آندرو نجيب؛ الصفحة الشخصية)

(Voronoi decomposition of Andrew)



I am available via email at the decoded address from base64 --decode <<< "bmRyd25hZ3VpYkBnbWFpbC5jb20=" (ChatGPT decodes it perfectly, so I guess I will be mostly contacted by bots).

I will be starting my graduate studies in the Combinatorics and Optimization department at the University of Waterloo this January.

[Résumé] (compiled and pushed to this webpage via a GitHub workflow; if it is faulty, please let me know)

I maintain this webpage using Org mode version 9.6.1 and magit version 20240428.1821 (commit id #c6a48cc) on Emacs 29 (the greatest software of all time) and gnu/linux

Author: Andrew Naguib

Created: 2024-04-29 Mon 18:06
