Auction Specification Model v0.1-draft

Table of Contents

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1. Introduction

This section is non-normative.1

The Auction Specification Model (ASM) v0.1-draft defines a standardized framework for conducting auctions on blockchain platforms, with a particular focus on zero-knowledge auctions. Inspired by the principles of transparency, security, and privacy, ASM provides a comprehensive blueprint for developers, auctioneers, and participants alike to engage in fair and efficient auction processes.

ASM facilitates the creation, exchange, and verification of auction-related data in a manner that ensures trust, integrity, and confidentiality. By leveraging blockchain technology and cryptographic techniques, ASM enables bidders to participate in auctions while preserving their privacy and anonymity

2. What is a zero-knowledge auction?

This section is non-normative.

We begin by defining an auction as an interactive setting involving a group of participants, known as bidders, who all have a mutual interest in a particular item, referred to as the asset. This item is being offered for sale by its owner, or a representative acting on their behalf, who is typically referred to as the auctioneer.

Building upon the previous definition, a zero-knowledge auction is an auction where the bids and bidding process are conducted in such a way that the bidders can prove the validity of their bids without revealing any sensitive information about the bid itself or their identity. In other words, participants can demonstrate that they have made a valid bid without disclosing the actual content of the bid or any identifying information, ensuring bidder privacy while maintaining the integrity of the auction process.

3. Ecosystem Overview

This section is non-normative.

3.1. Bidder

3.2. Auctioneer (verifier)

3.3. Bid

3.4. Auction type

3.4.1. English Auctions

Draft: Each bidder broadcasts a commitment (the encrypted bid) to all participants including the auctioneer, and using ZK proofs, each bidder verifies whether the bid is higher or lower than theirs. If higher, then a bidder who is interested in the asset could place a higher one by following the same process.

3.4.2. Dutch Auctions

Draft: The auctioneer (or the verifier) repeatedly broadcasts the lowered price to the participating bidders until bids are placed.

3.4.3. Sealed-Bid Auctions

  1. First-Price Sealed-Bid Auction
  2. Second-Price Sealed-Bid Auction

3.5. Assets

4. Terminology

This section is non-normative.

4.1. Bidder

A participant in an auction who submits bids for items or assets being auctioned. Bidders compete with each other by placing bids with the intention of acquiring the auctioned item at the best possible price.

The bidders may engage in the process of deciding the winner by providing ZK proofs that said winner's bid in indeed larger or smaller (in case of a procurement auction)

4.2. Auctioneer (verifier)

The entity responsible for overseeing and managing the auction process. The auctioneer verifies the validity of bids, ensures compliance with auction rules, and ultimately determines the winning bid. In the context of zero-knowledge auctions, the auctioneer may also act as a verifier, validating bids without gaining knowledge of their content or the identity of the bidders. Moreover, the verifier declares the winner of the auction.

4.3. Bid

An offer made by a bidder to purchase an item or asset being auctioned. Bids typically include the bid amount and any relevant terms or conditions specified by the bidder. Bids can be submitted openly in English or Dutch auctions, or in sealed envelopes in sealed-bid auctions.

4.4. Sealed-bid Auction

An auction format where bidders submit their bids privately without knowledge of other bidders' bids. Bids are typically sealed in envelopes or submitted electronically in a confidential manner. The bids are then opened simultaneously at the end of the auction, and the highest bid, in the case of First-price Sealed-Bid auction, wins.

4.5. Gas Cost

Quoting from (Blass, Erik-Oliver and Kerschbaum, Florian, 2018),

One run of \(\Pi_{\text{strain}}\) requires a total of 4 blocks latency: 1 block for suppliers to commit, and then 3 blocks for core comparisons and computation of the winning bid.

5. Verification and Validation

This section is non-normative.

5.1. Identity Validation

To be discussed in <2024-07-01 Mon> meeting–it seems to be relevant to some work that was recently completed by @0xisk.

5.2. Bid Validation

6. Auction Lifecycle

This section is non-normative.

6.1. Commitment of bids.

6.2. Opening the commitments.

6.3. Verification of the winner.

6.4. Finalizing the auction.

Quoting from (Blass, Erik-Oliver and Kerschbaum, Florian, 2018),

Ideal Functionality. Our protocol [Strain] emulates a trusted third party TTP that, first, receives all bids from all suppliers. If supplier pseudonymity is required, all participating suppliers \(S_i\) send their bids \(v_i\) via a pseudonymous channel, or else they send it via an authenticated channel. The trusted third party then computes result \(cmp_{i,j}\) of the comparison between each bid. Finally, the trusted third party announces (broadcasts) the results of all comparisons to auctioneer A, each Supplier \(S_i\), and all other participants of the blockchain. Similar to order preserving encryption, this reveals the total order of bids and hence the winner of the auction, but does not reveal the bids themselves.

\begin{align*} &\text{for all } S_i \text{ do} \\ &\quad \text{if Pseudonymity then } S_i \rightarrow \text{TTP}: \mathcal{F}_{\text{Pseu}}(v_i); \text{ else } S_i \rightarrow \text{TTP}: \mathcal{F}_{\text{Auth}}(v_i); \\ &\text{for } i = 1 \text{ to } s \text{ do} \\ &\quad \text{for all } j \neq i \text{ do} \\ &\quad \quad \text{TTP}: \text{Let } \text{cmp}_{i,j} = 1, \text{ if } v_i > v_j \text{ and } \text{cmp}_{i,j} = 0 \text{ otherwise;} \\ &\quad \text{end for} \\ &\text{end for} \\ &\text{TTP} \rightarrow \{A, S_1, \ldots, S_s\}: \mathcal{F}_{\text{BC}}(\{\text{cmp}_{i,j} \mid \forall i, j \in \{1, \ldots, s\}\}); \\ &\text{TTP} \rightarrow A: \{v_w \mid v_w = \min(v_1, \ldots, v_s)\}; \end{align*}

The only difference to our settings is that we would use the \(\max\) function instead in the last step.

Imagine that, at some point, \(A\) announces a new auction and uploads a smart contract to the blockchain. The smart contract is very simple and allows parties to comfortably exchange messages as mentioned before. The contract is signed by \(sk_A\), so everybody understands that this is a valid procurement auction

7. Security and Privacy

. This section is non-normative.

7.1. Bidder anonymity

The identity of bidders must remain unknown and the specifics of their bids are kept private (this is important when revealing the bidder’s identity could influence the auction’s outcome or lead to privacy breaches, e.g., real estate, art/collectibles, etc.).

7.2. Secure transactions

Ensuring the integrity of the auction process as well as protecting against fraud. Questions to be answered:

  • How to prove the actual worth of the bidder claiming that she has? If that's not in the scope of the project, it has to be explicitly stated that such a responsibility is delegated to third-party tools.
  • Should there be an escrow to guarantee that the bid is held securely?

7.3. Integrity

The system must provide a proof that the some bid has won without revealing its value.

  • Revealing the winning bid is an sensitive information. It shows the valuation of item \(i\) by the bidder \(j\). While it may not impact the auction at time \(t\), it could still be abused in an auction at time \(t + 1\)

8. Scalability and Efficiency

This section is non-normative.

  1. How to compute the winner correctly over ciphertexts while not exposing the bids during the auction?
  2. How to efficiently execute the auction protocol with multiple participants while the underlying secure circuits mechanically compare bids?



The “Auction Specification Model” is not normative and is still in a heavy editing process.

Author: Andrew Naguib

Created: 2024-07-01 Mon 10:40
